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Ostomy Care and Management is a multi-specialty course in the United Arab Emirates, in collaboration with International Interprofessional Wound Care Group (IIWCG). We believe thousands of Wound and Ostomy Clinicians (WOCs) and other clinicians who work with Ostomy patients or are considering Ostomy as a career direction, will greatly benefit from the new OCM program. To meet the need for specialized clinicians dedicated to the treatment and prevention of Ostomy and stoma complications.

The IIWCG course in Stoma Care is open to registered nurses and senior support workers working in hospital or community in either the public or private sectors in the Middle East, who care for patients with a stoma and who wish to acquire greater knowledge and skills in stoma care

Upon successful completion of the Ostomy Care and Management candidates may use the Certificate for Career development in this field.


Apply knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal and urological system in nursing management and education of the patient with urinary diversion.

Describe the management of inflammatory bowel disease that
can lead to a fecal stoma or urinary diversion.

Demonstrate preoperative preparation of a patient undergoing a fecal and/or urinary

diversion including stoma site marking.

Distinguish specific ostomy care needs when educating patients and caregivers.

Analyze specific management issues related to fecal and urinary diversions

Identify that impacts measured to promote full recovery and adaptation

Assess the needs of special populations and incorporate identified needs into the Ostomy plan of care

Distinguish between peristomal skin conditions and select the associated management strategies.

Develop and implement an individualized management plan for the fistula patient that provides for containment of drainage and odour and protection of the perifistular skin.

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For More Details Contact 

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates  |  |  Tel: +971 2 622 7887

Sheikh Rashid Bin Saeed Al Maktoum Street

(Old Airport Road Opposite of Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce)

Syscoms College Building, 4th Floor 402 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

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