Why Should Your Company Participate 16th ADWCC 2025?
The only largest wound care conference in the region
Opportunity to demonstrate your leadership and engage delegates
Branding opportunities and exhibition space
2000+ international and regional conference delegates
Valuable opportunity to invest in a relationship with the industry and the attendees
Connect with key industry decision-makers, researchers, clinicians, and the wound care team
Exhibit and distribute your marketing and promotional materials
Increase your brand equity and promote new products and services
Build new business and maintain existing relationships
Look for a local or regional distributor

The 16th Abu Dhabi Wound Care Conference (ADWCC) 2025 has obtained
Ethical MedTech Provisional Compliance.
The Conference is listed on the CVS official calendar.
Conference Vetting System (CVS) is a centralised decision-making system that encourages transparency and consistency in medical education events. It is an independently managed system which reviews the compliance of third-party educational events with MedTech Europe Code of Ethical Business Practice and Mecomed Code of Business Practice to determine the appropriateness for companies which are members of MedTech Europe and Mecomed to provide financial support to such events in the form of educational grants or commercial activities (booths, advertising, satellite symposium).